Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Watching Jane Austen in Africa

Hey everyone!! Things are going really well out here! This week we are a little shorthanded at the consulate because several of our FSNs are away on training. So to help make up for the vacancies, I have been given charge of managing the consulate motor pool. It has been quite challenging to receive this huge task with very minimal understanding of the operations and logistics of a motor pool. Nevertheless it has been a beneficial learning experience (ie, it makes me not want to be in the management section of the foreign service..haha.) Plus it means I get a lot of experience working with Moroccans (all of our drivers are Moroccan). I definitely started out with this task running around like an idiot trying to figure it out, but things seem to be coming together.
On Saturday Nora and I took the train to Rabat, the capital of Morocco. Casa to Rabat is a 1 hour train ride at about 13$ (110 dirhams). We walked through the medina (old city marketplace area) and went to the beach. We also ate at lunch at a traditional Moroccan restaurant. The trip was exhausting but we had a good time. We are making plans to go back again because it is hard to see everything in one day, especially without much understanding of the city. We have been in Casa for almost two weeks but still have not seen all it has to offer, either.
One of the ladies at the consulate let Nora and me borrow her copies of Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Persuasion. We have been keeping ourselves occupied with a little (or a lot) of Jane Austen. Ruby Lee, I am sure you are happy to hear that! Unfortunately we have now watched all of them and are on the hunt for some more movies. In the meantime I am up to my ears in the motor pool and missing all of you.

Love from Casablanca.

PS, Drey I told you I would give you a shout out but I don’t really know what to say.. I hope you are having a good summer!! Love you Drey baby

1 comment:

  1. A.D.,
    You have found a way to take me right along with you. Your blog is amazing. It gives me every bit of detail that I would ask you about if I were with you. Your blog entries will someday turn into a great journal of your exploits and journies just like Elizabeth Bennet in Pride & Prejudice.

    You can imagine the horror that took my senses when I mistakenly believed my P&P DVD set was taken home students at the end of the year. Thankfully, I found them in a sack of things pushed into a cabinet in my classroom. Mercy!

    I'm reaidng my favorite novel again this summer, as I do every summer. After I marry, I will read it every other summer.

    This summer finds me teahing 3-5 graders for 17 days. They have been given detective assignments to look into the mysteries of earth, ocean animlas, space and galaxy, history, and math. Today was the first day with my kiddos. I'm throwing in as much fun as possible.

    Take care and keep the blog going.

